1850s | Early Church community is formed in the area known as Dennison, a small logging settlement. The settlers were served in their home on occasion by visits from mission priests on horseback. |
1882 |
Construction of the first church began on land that was acquired from Martin Culligan. |
1888 |
Saint Michael’s wood frame structure was dedicated. The church was named for the patron saint of the first mission priest from Grand Haven who was overseeing the congregation, Father Michael Dalton. |
1895 |
A horse barn was built for those traveling to Mass on horseback or carriage.
1901 |
Leo Hall was built, named in honor of Pope Leo XIII. Leo Hall was used for church meetings, coffee and other events until it was removed in 1987 to make way for the present church. |
1902 |
The new interurban electric railroad made hourly runs along a route extending from GR to Muskegon and Grand Haven. The tracks were just south of Saint Michael’s and brought people to church. |
1924 |
Saint Michael’s became a mission of Saint Mary’s, Marne. Fathers Caldwell, O’Conner, Maus, Hyland, O’Connell, McDonald, Sweeney, Nugents and Drew were among the other mission priests who followed at Saint Michael's. |
1950 | Saint Michael’s was formally raised to the status of parish on Jun 15, 1950 and Rev. Charles A. Salatka was assigned as first pastor of Saint Michael’s. In 1959 he received the title of Monsignor. |
1960s | Saint Michael’s Cemetery was developed adjacent to the home that still serves as the rectory |
1961 | A fundraising campaign began for construction of a convent and a four classroom school with an all purpose area to be used as a church which seated 340 people. The convent housed the Sisters of Saint Francis who were to staff the new school. |
1962 | Saint Michael's School opens it's doors to 140 students on September 6, 1962. |
1962 | Monsignor Salatka becomes the Auxiliary Bishop of the Grand Rapids Diocese and leaves Saint Michael’s. |
1962 - 1971 |
Father Albert Bernott is assigned as pastor of Saint Michael’s. He served during very eventful times of Vatican II when there were many changes to the Mass. In 1965 Fr. Bernott is strecken with Turberculosis and Fr. Martin and Fr. Zerfas assisted the parish in his absences. |
1971 |
Fr. Pattok becomes pastor. After he left for health reasons Father Thomas Vesbit filled in.
1974 - 1976 |
Fr. Watson serves as Pastor for two years. |
1976 - 1983 |
Fr. Don Downer followed as pastor. There was much emphasis on social justice and meaningful liturgies. In 1983, Fr. Downer left the priesthood and Father Dennis Wagner, Patrick Cawley and Bishop Joseph McKinney follows as pastor, but each served for only a few months. |
1984 - 1996 |
Fr. William Langlois becomes pastor and is known for his energy, enthusiasm and friendliness. Under his directions, there was a tremendous amount of growth and development. In 1988, the new (current) Church was dedicated and the multipurpose area that was serving as the church became the Salatka Family Center and Gym. |
1996 - 2000 |
Fr. Mark Bauer became pastor. He spent much time in Italy before becoming a priest. With his Vatican background, he would often give enlightening explanations on traditions and practices of the church. |
2000 |
Fr. John F. Vallier becomes pastor during our year long Jubilee observance.
2005 - 2009 |
Fr. Tony Pelak becomes pastor of Saint Michael’s. This is his first parish assignment as pastor. In 2009, the Sanctuary undergoes a major renovation project involving a new roof, new and restored stained glass windows, storage rooms, and remodeling of various areas in our church. A new Altar and Ambo were built by Tony Brown. |
2009 |
Saint Michael's is without a full time Pastor. Fr. Norman Droski is assigned as Parish Administrator. Our weekend Liturgies are covered by various retired visiting priests including Fr. Mel Fox, Fr. Tom Hack and many more. |
2012 |
Saint Michael's clusters with Saint Mary's, Marne. Fr. David Gross is assigned as Pastor of both parishes. Fr. Dave initiates a 3 phase renovation of the Salatka Family Center, Kitchen, Parish Offices, and other improvements. |
2014 |
Fr. Anton Tran is pastor of Saint Michael's and Saint Mary's.
2016 - 2022 |
Fr. Ayub Francis Nasar becomes the parish priest at Saint Michael's and Saint Mary's.
2022 - present | Fr. Michael Hodges becomes the parish priest at St. Michael's and Saint Mary's. |
Most of the information above is taken from The Story of Saint Michael’s: A History of a Coopersville, Michigan Parish As It Celebrates a Jubilee Anniversary, By Lillian & James Budzynski. The history book can be purchased at the Parish Office for $10.